
Bases ready to use

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Complete, ready-to-use powder bases in just a few steps. Martini Gelato offers you the possibility to create excellent gelato in just a few easy steps. All our Ready-to-use bases are gluten free.

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  • Monorigine
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  • Halal
  • Without emulsifiers
  • Vegan
  • Fruit
  • Centrifuged
  • Kosher
Bases ready to use
FruttUP! Pineapple

The FruttUP line is the range of complete bases made with real fruit in various flavor variations, ready to be…

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Bases ready to use
FruttUP! Anguria

The FruttUP! line is a range of complete bases made with real fruit in numerous flavor variations, ready to be…

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Bases ready to use
FruttUP! Banana

The FruttUP! line is a range of complete bases made with real fruit in numerous flavor variations, ready to be…

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Bases ready to use
FruttUP! Coconut

La linea FruttUP! è la linea di basi complete realizzate con vera frutta in tantissime varianti di gusto, pronte da…

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Bases ready to use
FruttUP! Strawberry

The FruttUP! line is a range of complete bases made with real fruit in numerous flavor variations, ready to be…

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Bases ready to use
FruttUP! Wild Berries

The FruttUP! line is a range of complete bases made with real fruit in numerous flavor variations, ready to be…

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Bases ready to use
FruttUP! Raspberry

The FruttUP! line is a range of complete bases made with real fruit in numerous flavor variations, ready to be…

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Bases ready to use
FruttUP! Lime

The FruttUP! line is a range of complete bases made with real fruit in numerous flavor variations, ready to be…

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