
Margarine and Melange

margarine e melange

A line of vegetable and melange margarines, in different formats, formulated to get the best out of every application: in cooking, as a condiment or for frying, or in dessert preparations.

margarine e melange
Margarine and Melange
margarina universale
Margarina for Universal

Line of vegetable margarines designed to meet the needs of professionals for the production of puff pastry, croissants, Danish pastry,…

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Margarine and Melange
margarina croissant
Margarina for Croissant

Line of vegetable margarines designed to meet the needs of professionals for the production of puff pastry, croissants, Danish pastry,…

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Margarine and Melange
margarina sfoglia
Margarina for Sfoglia

Line of vegetable margarines designed to meet the needs of professionals for the production of puff pastry, croissants, Danish pastry,…

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Margarine and Melange
melange 1kg

Vegetable and mélange margarines, with butter, formulated to provide the best performance in kitchen applications.

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Margarine and Melange
margarina leggera 1kg
Lightened Vegetable Margarine 1kg

Vegetable and mélange margarines, with butter, formulated to provide the best performance in kitchen applications.

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Margarine and Melange
margarina vegetale 1kg
Vegetable Margarine 80% 1kg

Vegetable and mélange margarines, with butter, formulated to provide the best performance in kitchen applications.

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Margarine and Melange
margarina vegetale 0.5kg
Vegetable Margarine 80% 500g

Vegetable and mélange margarines, with butter, formulated to provide the best performance in kitchen applications.

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