


Through scrupulous controls and combining tradition and state-of-the-art technology, Master Martini roasted hazelnuts fully preserve organoleptic and nutritional properties.

The manufacturing process, combining tradition and technology, preserves and enhances their quality, guaranteeing an unparalleled standard of control.

In particular, the roasting phase, a very important and delicate stage, is done to perfection.

Roasting guarantees the product its typical golden colour, enhances the aromas and gives it the right crunchiness.

To obtain the grains, the hazelnuts are subjected to the graining process and both whole hazelnuts and grains are immediately vacuum-packed, so that the aromatic profile is fully preserved.

sacchetto di nocciole tostate le toste per professionisti
Le Toste

Le Toste range comprises two product types, ideal for all uses, both characterised by high quality: whole roasted and peeled…

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